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学术报告93:亓兴勤 — Algorithms for the Generalized Network Dismantling Problem

华体会(中国)官方:2024-11-11 作者: 点击数:



告人:亓兴勤 教授




Network dismantling problem aims to find a node subset whose removal from a network resultsin the fragmentation of the network into subcritical connected components at the minimal overall cost. People have always been more interested in the unweighted case where each node has the same cost, while there are few results for the weighted case when nodes have different costs. It is a much more challenging problem in network science to consider the generalized network dismantling problem. In this talk, by constructing a block-cut tree, we transform this generalized network dismantling problem to a tree dismantling problem firstly. Then we will introduce two novel strategies based on k-partition spectral clustering scheme and dynamic programming respectively to solve this tree dismantling problem. Experiments show the new methods’ performance compared with existing state-of-art methods.



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